Businesses of all sizes should strongly consider going to trade shows. They allow you to make professional connections, show what your products can do and grant your company exposure. Preparing for a trade show, however, can be extremely stressful, especially if you have not done one before. This guide will outline what your business needs to have a successful trade show appearance.

The Right Representatives

Sending the right person can make the difference between a success and a waste of time. Unless you are a huge company, you probably don’t have a dedicated employee who represents your company at trade shows. When choosing who you send to the tradeshow, there are a couple of things to consider. This is both a sales and branding opportunity, so a marketing manager, sales representative or PR person are usually good options. You also want to send at least one person who is familiar with tradeshows, and everyone needs to be completely confident in selling your product. It’s also helpful if the employees you send love interacting with people because that is all they will be doing.

A Catchy Display

You must also come up with a booth or display for your trade show presentation. There is no set formula for creating a booth, but it should generally be in your company’s colors, display your logo and have some basic information. Point of purchase displays and banners are great for drawing eyes to you and displaying your products. In addition to the display itself, you will also need promotional materials to give away. These can include customized pens, business cards, flyers, product information, coupons and more. Before deciding on what your display will look like, discover how much space you will have and what may or may not be provided.

Proper Transportation

You can’t get your people and goods to a trade show without effective transportation. You must evaluate transportation logistics and costs for both employees who are being sent to the show as well as all displays, products and more. When sending your display, it may be wise to invest in storage specifically for transportation. Many road cases are on wheels, allowing you to move them easily while still protecting any setups and electronics. Taking these factors into account will ensure everything arrives on time, undamaged and for a reasonable price.

Your Product

Perhaps the most important thing you need to take to a trade show is your product. You may have to carefully decide which products are taken to the tradeshow. Your best products should be featured, and you should focus heavily on new and upcoming products to generate buzz. Ensure all products you take are functioning properly and in ideal condition. This is also a great opportunity to sell your products, so make sure you bring adequate stock. If you do run out, set up an order system, so you don’t lose out on money.

It is well worth it to take the time to fully prepare for trade shows. They are a chance for your company to make waves and build demand for the products you manufacture. Put your best foot forward, prepare and the show will be a success for your company.

Free Press Marketing can assist you with all your trade show graphics, displays, and printed materials. Call us today for a consultation and a quote. 805-491-1775, or email us at [email protected].

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